Logo: O Caderno de Aimé-Adrien Taunay - Histórias, descobertas e percursos
courtesy of: Logo: IHF - Instituto Hercules Florence
special thanks to: Logo: Museu Paulista
Logo: O Caderno de Aimé-Adrien Taunay - Histórias, descobertas e percursos



Binding consists of assembling the sheets, either manually or mechanically, by sewing or adhering them. The main purpose is to preserve sequence and the information recorded on them. The durability and aesthetics of the bound object depends on the quality of this work. In our case, the notebook was coverless and, for that reason, we could not know what its previous appearance was like. There was a piece of marbled paper sewn to the notebook, which was kept.

For that reason, after the restoration of the sheets, Taunay’s notebook received a conservation binding that followed the criteria of minimum intervention, reversibility and stability of materials. In this case, it was stitched with linen thread, notebook by notebook, with no use of adhesives, following the original order. Then, a thick flexible Japanese paper cover was made.

courtesy of / special thanks to:
IHF Museu Paulista